Category Archives: Blog

Jerry Senatore and TEAM SWATAC (SWAT Against Cancer)

A fit, determined, well-dressed (bald) man approached our DRUMSTRONG cancer health resource booth 3 1/2 years ago, filled in our sign-up sheet, smacked it back on the table, looked me square on and said “You never know when you’re gonna be told”.
I said, “So I can assume your shiny head is not a fashion statement”. We were immediate friends and brothers in survivorship support. We planned a SWATAC (SWAT Against Cancer) Team for DRUMSTRONG.

Jerry was an FBI Special Agent and SWAT Team Leader, who lived the FBI motto of “fidelity, bravery, and integrity.” He served two tours in Iraq and helped in efforts surrounding the World Trade Center search and recovery. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus and was as comfortable calling numbers at bingo halls as he was leading SWAT missions. Jerry was known as a protector and leader, a champion of people and causes, who believed in fair play. His energy and optimism were boundless; his smile and sense of humor could fill a room.

As much as he dug our rhythm-driven cancer awareness and fund raising initiatives, unfortunately, Jerry was never well enough to attend a DRUMSTRONG event.

I welcome his family and friends to come out May 17, 18 & 19 to drum in his honor and focus on assisting causes that were close to his

Please contact

“Attitude is the difference between an Ordeal and an Adventure”.

From Jerry :: Jan. 5, 2010

I have started to contact you many many times over the last several months. But stopped each time. First, know that nothing has changed about how I feel about DrumStrong and the dedicated silent heroes that make it a success. Cancer or not, I am impressed by your organization, proud to know you, and heart-warmed to know it exists.

So, I got very busy. I know it’s a cop out, but in addition to work and travel, my cancer adventure gave me a good smack in the back of the head and helped me to refocus family priorities. Cancer, up to this point, has actually been good for me. I’m a better person now than I was before.

With all that on my plate, I kept procrastinating contacting you. I wanted our conversation to include me jumping into DrumStrong with both feet and not some lame promise to help a little here or there. That point didn’t come as your event date got close. Then I felt like an idiot near the end, saying “I know all the work is done, here I am” (though typical of a government employee).

Even this email that I write now, was almost pushed off to “tomorrow or later this week..” I decided to do it now.

It’s been a wild ride for me. Originally diagnosed in June 08, I was in remission by Nov 08. In August 09, the cancer was back. In addition, scans showed other unrelated problems. Thyroid cancer was diagnosed and I had my thyroid removed. A pre-cancerous polyp in my colon was found and it was also removed. Again, three cancers completely unrelated. I’m trying to find out what the record is. Either way, the score is Cancer 0 – Jerry 3.

I’m still a lucky guy. I feel great and have continued to ignore it all. I often call cancer an adventure because I am amazed by the journey and all I’ve experienced. I recently came across a quote the sums it up for me “Attitude is the difference between an Ordeal and an Adventure.” Again, it’s been a wild adventure.

You got my volunteer passion started. I recently became an official volunteer at Levine’s’ Children’s Hospital. However, the day they officially assigned me to the pediatric oncology unit, my doctor also scheduled me for chemo. So I haven’t volunteered a shift yet, but I have the ID and hope to soon.
I started chemo again last week. Looking at a bone marrow transplant at Duke later this year that will keep me at Duke for 3 months. Had chemo this morning and hit the gym this afternoon. Drinking a beer as I write this.

So, why have I gone into all this? I admire you, your passion and determination. I feel I owe you not just an explanation to “where the hell have you been” but also an update from a friend.

My best to you, Mason and the entire DrumStrong army. Keep the emails coming. I WILL see you soon.


Create a TEAM, come out enforce, commit to ‘tag-team’ drum all night or with the most people or raise the most $ with your TEAM effort. See

DS World Headquarters

DRUMSTRONG has a new office (still at same address but new digs)!

I was away for 10 days in January working the NAMM show and interviewing extraordinary artists and industry folks to help boost our efforts (it’s what I do…)

And came home to arrows directing me to the ‘Play Room’ garage.

With the assistance of Mason, Toby, Grace, Dad, David Satterfield, Calvin, Mike and friends, Carola managed to gut the Play Room, install cork floors, remove and reinstall all shelves (and 7 years of contents) from my former space, hook up computers, AND convert my old office into a sweeeeet yoga meditation room. All at her expense.  Again, in 10 freakin days!

Hell, 24 years as a design/build contractor and it would have taken me longer (and I’d a been pullin’ in all kinds of favors to accomplish that).

The last time that space had been altered was when I converted it from a very rough one-car, roll up door, catch-all garage to the Play/Party Room for the boys when Mason was in treatment. They thoroughly enjoyed (and abused) it… veritably trashed it.


It now very comfortably accommodates our work (and a little play as you can see)!

Come visit …

TEDxCharlotte 10-15-2011

DRUMSTRONG was honored to share our passion with the wide-open and embracing TEDx audience of 700+ at Queens University’s Dana Auditorium, Charlotte, NC.

We had the unique opportunity to speak (uninterrupted) about our history, sources, resources, mission, impact and vision.


The support of family and DRUMSTRONG participants lent strength and purpose. Mason, Toby and Carola came on stage along with other DRUMSTRONG drummers to create an impactful pulse that everybody there took home. People truly ‘got it’!

The talk concluded encouraging folks to listen to their Heart Beat, drum with it, and embrace/appreciate/support their neighbor’s and community’s pulse.

Master Facilitator Dave Holland took the Body Percussion from there to other-worldly levels, we distributed 700 Boomwhackers, fortified the rhythm with the 12 drummers from stage, and at the finale, invited people to make a ‘wish’/’prayer’ and LAUNCH them via their Boomwhackers.

What a wonderful feeling and WHAT a sight!


photo by Deborah Triplett

TED Video 

Carolinas Kids Cancer Research Coalition

Subject:  Carolinas Kids Research Coalition Provides $5.7 Million in Funding

Date: February 23, 2010

Charlotte NC — Eight philanthropic organizations and families in the Charlotte region have joined forces to create the “Carolinas Kids Cancer Research Coalition,” which is providing funding for the introduction of Phase I and Phase II clinical trials by the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Center at Levine Children’s Hospital.

The coalition support includes a signature commitment of $1 million from the Alex Hemby Foundation and the Hemby family, resulting in the naming of the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Center in honor of Torrence E. Hemby, Jr. and the creation of an endowed fund in his honor. Consistent with other commitments from Coalition members, the Hemby gift is being matched by The Leon Levine Foundation, for total Coalition funding in the amount of $5.7 million.

“The development of pediatric cancer research with Phase I and Phase II clinical trials places Levine Children’s Hospital among the nation’s elite healthcare providers in the battle against childhood cancer,” said Michael Tarwater, CEO of Carolinas HealthCare System. “By expanding our clinical research capabilities, we are assuring families throughout this region that they can receive the latest treatments close to home.”

The Carolinas Kids Cancer Research Coalition includes some of the region’s premier nonprofit groups dedicated to fund raising, education and awareness related to pediatric cancer. Founding members of the Coalition are The Leon Levine Foundation, The Alex Hemby Foundation, The Adam Faulk Tanksley Foundation, The Baby J Ladley Fund, Quail Hollow Championship, DRUMSTRONG™, 24 Hours of Booty, and Brett’s Ride for Rhabdo.

“Formation of the Cancer Research Coalition opens the door for increased collaboration among organizations wanting to support pediatric cancer research and services for children in our region,” said Bevie Hemby, speaking on behalf of The Alex Hemby Foundation and the Hemby family. “The needs of our children and families today truly transcend the resources of any single organization; it has been gratifying to see how these founding members have rallied around a common goal.

“We are excited to help make it possible to keep children and families together in Charlotte as they benefit from access to the most current research and clinical therapies.” The $5.7 million in funding will be used to expand staff, diagnostic and treatment equipment, and support services for Phase I and Phase II clinical trials, which are conducted to test the safety, effectiveness and best approaches for the use of new drugs and other inventions. Phase I clinical trials are the first step in testing new treatment approaches in people, enrolling a small number of patients. Phase II trials enroll a larger group of patients and focus on the effectiveness of specific agents or interventions.

“The success of Levine Children’s Hospital has been the result of broad-based support from throughout our community by those dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our children,” said Michael Rose, President of the Carolinas HealthCare Foundation. “The generous support from the Coalition clearly demonstrates that this commitment to excellence in pediatric healthcare remains strong in our community.” As one of the fastest growing programs at Levine Children’s Hospital, the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Center treats patients with leukemia, lymphoma, neuroblastoma, brain tumors, kidney cancer, and bone and soft tissue tumors. In addition, the Center offers neuro-oncology services and blood and marrow transplantation. With the continuing expansion of its medical staff, the Hematology and Oncology Center now includes eight board-certified physicians with in-depth knowledge of the full range of childhood cancers, offering extensive surgical, chemotherapy and radiologic procedures. The Center’s pediatric patients also have access to a broad range of clinical research studies, including National Cancer Institute protocols for therapies under development.  The Center has participated in more than 60 clinical trials through the internationally recognized Children’s Oncology Group, a collaborative initiative including patients, researchers and hospitals throughout the world.

More recently, the Center has joined two widely recognized consortia dedicated to fighting childhood cancer. These include Therapeutic Advances in Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma (TACL), and the Neuroblastoma and Medulloblastoma Translational Research Consortium (NMTRC). Affiliation with these organizations will give children in the Carolinas access to novel drugs which were previously not available in the Carolinas. Phase I and Phase II clinical trials planned by the Center will focus on leukemia, lymphoma, neuroblastoma, brain tumors, kidney cancer, and other bone and soft tissue tumors.

“Clinical research is an essential element of our mission at Levine Children’s Hospital,” said Dr. Leonard Feld, Sara H. Bissell & Howard C. Bissell Endowed Chair in Pediatrics and Chief Medical Officer of Levine Children’s Hospital. “The expansion of Phase I and Phase II studies will lead to increasing our overall knowledge and enhancing the capability of our physicians and staff to provide new treatment options for our region’s children with cancer.”

About Levine Children’s Hospital

Levine Children’s Hospital ( is a 234-bed hospital in Charlotte, North Carolina, located on the main campus of Carolinas Medical Center. It is the most comprehensive facility of its type between Atlanta, Georgia and Washington D.C. Levine Children’s Hospital is also home to the Ricky Hendrick Centers for Intensive Care, which support pediatric intensive and cardiovascular surgery patients. Just two years after opening, the hospital has grown to include more than 30 pediatric specialties and has received national recognition from U.S. News & World Report as one of “America’s Best Children’s Hospitals” for treatment of kidney disorders.

Levine Children’s Hospital is one of 32 hospitals affiliated with Carolinas HealthCare System (, one of the leading healthcare systems in the Southeast. Carolinas HealthCare System employs some 1,400 physicians and serves patients at more than 500 care locations including physician practices, nursing homes, surgical and rehabilitation centers, home health agencies and other facilities. These operations comprise more than 6,300 licensed beds and employ some 44,000 people.

DRUMSTRONG Inspire to Inspire by Jema

The rhythm was deep, energized by passion, and strong like a healthy heartbeat.  When you entered the tent, a circle of connected souls sat in black chairs facing the center of the circle where the energized leader would direct the drums in synchronized rhythms.  The electronic clock, keeping accurate time for the Guinness Book of World Records, counted down the seconds from thirty hours in bright red letters, rolling off the clock like the hands rolled on the leather drums.  DrumSTRONG had begun.

The participants were gathered remembering those they had lost to cancer as symbolized by the chair with angel wings and cloth flags tied to the cords streaming alongside the logo.  The large drum was a privilege for me to beat with loud mallets, and its deep voice carried by the two individuals who offered to take their turn.  This drum continued to beat for thirty straight hours, it sang of the truth “Drumming to BEAT cancer”.

Drummers interwove into the tent, all hours of the day and night,  connected by their purpose, their inner beat.  The live stream went out to the world, the event now occurring in places such as Dublin, Tokyo and the Ukraine.  Belly dancers performed, live music was held on the stages, vendors sold food and drums, artisan wares.

Upon entering the tent around 2am, a dancer invited me into the middle circle to dance.  My first instinct was to pass on the experience.  Then, a little voice inside me asked, “When will you ever have such an experience again? Probably never, now get yourself out there and try it.”  So, I accepted and twirled around in my skirt, dancing with my African gourd shaker with shells in the middle of a drum circle.  The beat absorbed into my body as the drums encircled me from all directions.  I was free, I danced and smiled as I saw warm eyes beating their passions into their drums.  It filled me deeply and humbly.

I drummed and danced for my mom who survived her breast cancer and the poisonous treatments, and our good friend Joel, who looks cancer in the eye daily.  I was there relatives and friends, and those in the tent who were still fighting, still living, still beating.  And so, together we shall continue.


Last June @ Bonnaroo, I met one of the nicest, sparkly people ever (who happens to drum and build drums). Nathaniel Hall builds Everyone’s Drumming drums in Putney, Vermont. Through our mutual friends, Jim Donovan and Jonathan Fishman, he’d heard about our DRUMSTRONG projects and wanted to participate.

He suggested creating a DRUMSTRONG drum. We worked on details and he built one of the LOVEliest, sweet sounding instruments I’ve had the pleasure of playing.

13″ Tie-dyed Goatskin head on a 24″ Basswood shell with Nathaniel’s unique, simple (hand-friendly) tuning system. Lightweight, deeply resonant, sensitive and beautiful!

So, talk about timing .. we’re in production as of today :: Feb. 14, 2011. Everyone’s Drumming will generously donate proceeds from the sales of the DRUMSTRONG LoveDRUM to benefit our DrumsForCures efforts.

Nathaniel lost his Father last week to CLL Leukemia. We have tagged each drum with “DBH” in honor of Douglas Blanchard Hall. Our hearts go out to Nathaniel and his family.

No question it’s hard to lose someone you love but having a focused outlet helps. I tend to go inward. My impulse is solitary contemplation but that often evolves into rhythmical combustion. This LoveDRUM is my new means to send out my HEART THROBS!

May the Pulse be with you .. .. ..

Image Refresh

As warm and colorful as our original website was, it’s time to re-vamp.

We’ve had wonderful design support over the past through the extraordinary talents of Irma de Jong, Mervil Paylor, Lil Shiva, Kirk Fanelly, Erica de Flamand, Jay Johnson, Alan Rodgers and Ronnie Taylor. Many have given of themselves and shown support for our causes time & time again. We appreciate them! Please favor them with any design needs you may have. They’re Good!

So, we’ll be launching the new site soon.. It will have some cool features and interactive options. Look forward to hearing your opinion.

Trick or Treat,


“Attitude is the difference between an Ordeal and an Adventure”

A fit, determined, well-dressed (bald) man approached our DRUMSTRONG cancer health resource booth 1 1/2 years ago & The Epicentre, filled in our sign-up sheet, smacked it back on the table, looked me square on and said “You never know when you’re gonna be told”. I said, “So I can assume your shiny head is not a fashion statement”.

We were immediate friends and brothers in survivorship support.

Jerry assisted the 9/11 clean-up, served two tours as a Marine and worked for the FBI training & leading SWAT teams. He also volunteered in the community and @ Levine Children’s Hospital.  We planned a SWATAC (Against Cancer) Team for DRUMSTRONG.

As much as he dug our rhythm-driven cancer awareness and fund raising initiatives, unfortunately, Jerry was never well enough to attend a DRUMSTRONG event.

Cancer took another great soldier from our ranks last week.

Jerry Senatore relentlessly and passionately served us in every way possible. I welcome his family and friends to come out May 21 & 22 to drum in his honor and focus on assisting causes that were close to his heart
From Jerry :: Jan. 5, 2010


I have started to contact you many many times over the last several months. But stopped each time. First, know that nothing has changed about how I feel about DrumStrong and the dedicated silent heroes that make it a success. Cancer or not, I am impressed by your organization, proud to know you, and heart-warmed to know it exists.

So, I got very busy. I know it’s a cop out, but in addition to work and travel, my cancer adventure gave me a good smack in the back of the head and helped me to refocus family priorities. Cancer, up to this point, has actually been good for me. I’m a better person now than I was before.

With all that on my plate, I kept procrastinating contacting you. I wanted our conversation to include me jumping into DrumStrong with both feet and not some lame promise to help a little here or there. That point didn’t come as your event date got close. Then I felt like an idiot near the end, saying “I know all the work is done, here I am” (though typical of a government employee).

Even this email that I write now, was almost pushed off to “tomorrow or later this week..” I decided to do it now.

It’s been a wild ride for me. Originally diagnosed in June 08, I was in remission by Nov 08. In August 09, the cancer was back. In addition, scans showed other unrelated problems. Thyroid cancer was diagnosed and I had my thyroid removed. A pre-cancerous polyp in my colon was found and it was also removed. Again, three cancers completely unrelated. I’m trying to find out what the record is. Either way, the score is Cancer 0 – Jerry 3.

I’m still a lucky guy. I feel great and have continued to ignore it all. I often call cancer an adventure because I am amazed by the journey and all I’ve experienced. I recently came across a quote the sums it up for me “Attitude is the difference between an Ordeal and an Adventure.” Again, it’s been a wild adventure.

You got my volunteer passion started. I recently became an official volunteer at Levine’s’ Children’s Hospital. However, the day they officially assigned me to the pediatric oncology unit, my doctor also scheduled me for chemo. So I haven’t volunteered a shift yet, but I have the ID and hope to soon.

I started chemo again last week. Looking at a bone marrow transplant at Duke later this year that will keep me at Duke for 3 months. Had chemo this morning and hit the gym this afternoon. Drinking a beer as I write this.

So, why have I gone into all this? I admire you, your passion and determination. I feel I owe you not just an explanation to “where the hell have you been” but also an update from a friend.

My best to you, Mason and the entire DrumStrong army. Keep the emails coming. I WILL see you soon.
