CHI&:: Cancer Health Integration & Education 

DrumsForCures is developing programs to be implemented in schools to educate young people about the importance of cancer health through preventative and early detection measures.

Encouraging cancer conversation at middle school through high school levels so that young people will know that they will maintain healthy living practices, have specific baseline check-ups at certain age intervals, know what to expect (to certain degrees) if they or somebody close to them are diagnosed, and to better understand the physical, emotional, social and economic considerations that surviving cancer may have on them.

The course will be a curriculum subject through the schools’ Health Classes and progress with age-appropriate criteria. A clear, engaging yet simple CHI&E Handbook/course-chart and online material will be made available to follow and take home.

Engaging parents and family members in the conversation brings prevention potetential full-circle.

Online specialists will monitor the program and make screenings and counseling available. The services will include information and protocol for schools’ administration on how best to work with the compromised health of or loss of a student, parent or school employee. Conferencing will be accessible so schools that have experienced the loss of a student or faculty member can access guest speakers individually and/or in assemblies.

Courses will include

Prevention :: Healthy practices (diet, exercise, meditation, environmental exposures, smoking, alcohol, drug use, etc.)

Early Detection :: Family history, self and scheduled base-line and regular exams, warning signs

Familiarization :: Survivorship, Peer Support, Socialization (conversation with survivors), School Assemblies, FAQs (not contagious, genetic propensity, metastases, immune system, ‘myths’, etc.)

Protocol/Treatments :: Chemo, Radiation, Trials, Surgery, Rehab, Integrative reinforcement, Supplementation, Counseling, Living with cancer or with somebody dealing with cancer, Music, Art, Nature and Movement Therapies

Family Therapy, School Assemblies, Zoom conferencing


The Things They Don’t Tell You :: Patient To Be Prep (Talk)


I to I :: Insult to Injury (the unknown, untold, untellable…)


There are numerous variables to the ‘big picture’ process of any serious health issue beyond the actual intervention that patients, family and/or caregiver could (at least) be made aware of.

Specific concerns vary per individual and vary during the course of any protocol. As many as possible should be discussed, considered and gauged in advance.

An assigned ’Nurse Navigator’, if available, may afford information, resources, and some preparation for one’s future needs or procedures.

Noted here are some potential situations to consider, recognizing that there are many aspects to the process and that one can react uniquely to incident, disease and recourse.

They may include short-term or life-long projections and considerations; equipment needs, home/living environment adjustment to accommodate potential disabilities, how best to procure expensive supplements, et al.


These topics and issues may be worth bringing up to your health provider and are not limited to what is covered here nor will they necessarily resolve issues. These are some of the ‘questions’; not necessarily ‘answers’. The intention of this outline is to avail a ‘heads-up’ of what you may experience so to be a bit more prepared for what’s potentially ‘coming down the pike’.

General Info ::

Procedures, understanding results of consequences to patient, family and/or caregiver ::

Insurance conditions, genealogy consult and report, scopes and scans, general or local anesthesia and recovery time, lab work, pre-registration online, wait time per visit, parking situation per location.

How to read labs & reports with “layperson” translation (glossary of common or generic names for condition, treatment, care, medications and supplements), important and practical applications of diet and supplements), follow up procedures and consults.

Prep and Recovery ::

Fortifying supplements, diet, protein sources, weight maintenance, exercises, muscle tone, PT, acupuncture, chiropractic, message, Music/Art/Movement/Psychologic Therapies, Healing Touch, meditation, low impact qi gong & yoga, daily joke/laugh.

Side effects ::

Wound care, pain management, port and/or drain care, mobility, appetite, nausea, scaring, scar tissue, skin and mouth issues, gastro concerns, sexual functionality, neuropathy, possible ‘migration’ of remaining organs, body image, phantom issues, medication combination(s), addiction potential.

Chemo, Radiation ::

“chemo-brain fog”, sight/hearing/touch/voice, food, product, temperature, texture and material sensitivities.

Stamina, balance, dizziness, vertigo, peripheral positioning, coordination, functionality (mouth, fingers, limbs), skin, bone and dental concerns, phantom and/or unpredicted pain, other physical limitations, issues with prior or tandem disease(s).

Diet, Hydration, Pain management ::

Nutritionist, dietician, NA, Palliative Care

What to Avoid ::

Foods, supplement and/or drug combinations and interactions, certain activities, exposure susceptibility

What and when to report symptoms and concerns ::

Be your own advocate. Don’t tough it out or worry about coming across as a worrier or wimp. There are many free service clinics but find a way to pay for diagnosis (it would likely be cheaper than waiting too long in the long run…)

Devices ::

You may be released with or need for catheter, port, drain, ostomy, pull-ups, prosthesis, aids (crutches, cane, wheelchair, ramps).

Expenses ::

Short/long term meds, devices, physical therapies, integrative health practices, psychological counseling.

Options ::

Include integrative practices, music, art and movement therapies, dietary changes, environmental change, support groups.

Repercussions ::

Impact on family, stress at home, concern for all parties of re-occurrence, is patient a caregiver for another/others, finances, social impact, social media, ADA compliant access at home/work.

Psychological assistance ::

Varied therapies and counseling, stress factors (including waiting for results, ‘scanziety’, potential re-occurrence, financial, family impact, etc), meditation, alternative medicinal use (CBD, THC, Psylocibin, LSD, Keratin, et al), support groups, power of breath through pain and anxiety.

Future ::

What are the concerns at varying stages that are perhaps life-long projections and considerations that impact general health maintenance, signs/symptoms of reoccurrence or complications including potential affected organs, lifestyle and life adjustments.

Legal advice ::

Get affairs and finances in order, distribute personal items, palliative care, hospice, end of life doula, home for pet(s), be an organ donor, body to science.


These are simply observations and potential practical applications with the intention of making one’s experience as tolerable and wholesome as possible. This is a ‘work in progress’ and we’re pretty sure there wants to be an “app for that” so to delve (much) deeper into each topic outlined. Any input/additions/edits appreciated…

If there are other topics, experiences, or methods worth sharing, please do.

Scott Swimmer [email protected]




PPPulse :: Pediatric Percussion Programs

DrumsForCures has established PPPulse

 Pediatric Percussion Programs, bringing facilitated interactive rhythm experiences to hospitals, clinics, camps and community outreach programs. Patients, families, students and staff.

Drumming with all populations creates a healthy, participatory ‘distraction’ from whatever concerns us, and a place where healing takes root.

When drumming and engaged in the rhythm, all else is forgotten and we live and play in the moment.

It is something every body can do regardless of physical capacities or talent. Countless health benefits ensue and the relationships between patient and caregiver, employee and employer, et al change forever.

Fun, uplifting grooves and beautiful memories are created.

