This is a day focused on Giving and expressing Thanks.
And the beginning of the Giving Season.
Appreciate all we’ve been given and especially, the fact that we have the amazing capacity to Give.
If you haven’t discovered a more engaging, wholesome modus that rocks your philanthropic rodeo or a cooler sustainable vehicle to carry your good intentions, join us in rhythm.
¡We’re drumming to BEAT cancer!
For eight years now DrumsForCures has provided fortifying support, access to solid cancer health resources, wonderful camaraderie and facilitated the sharing of heart through our engaging interactive DRUMSTRONG rhythm events. We’re supporting thousands through the simplest, most ancient of means to communicate and share spirit. Drumming.And here are a few ways to Play that don’t require talent, or that you overextend yourself. In fact, it’s kinda Giving without Giving (orGetting when you Give)…
When you do your Holiday shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to DFC. Sign up to support DrumsForCures DRUMSTRONG at thislinkand benefit us every time you make a purchase.
AND,BeautyKindhas offered 5% of All purchases in support of DrumsForCures when you create an account and buy their amazing products.
Simply clickhere, sign up, then write in Drums For Cures (they have it noted as 3 words) at the “SearchBeautyKindfor YOUR LOCAL CAUSE” at the bottom of page. (Takes 12 secs!)
Not asking for your ‘hard-earned $’, we just really appreciate your participation in our charitible activities, encourage volunteer support or the creating of a DRUMSTRONG event in your ‘neighborhood’, and request a ‘thumbs-up LIKE’ on ourDrumsForCures :: DRUMSTRONG Facebook pagewhere you can follow our good work.
(That said, if you feel inexplicably moved to throw some $ our way, we could use it to buy new equipment to bring rhythm to the children in hospitals and camps and move our rhythm-driven activities ever forward).
Our Gratitude Groove goes out to those who have raised a stick, or hand or ‘thumb(s) up’ to perpetuate the pulse; we Thank You.
To our family, friends, staff, volunteers, sponsors, DrumCircle Facilitators, recipients and the Purveyors of the Pulse; we Thank You.
Help us help you and those you love. ..the Power is in your Hands
Courtney Devores on the local and national music scene
Monday, March 10, 2014
Charlotte’s drumSTRONG festival announces lineup
Railroad Earth, the Felice Brothers, Kopecky Family Band, and Chatham County Line top this year’s drumSTRONG lineup. The music festival and fundraiser for cancer awareness takes place May 16 through May 18 at Weddington’s Misty Meadow Farm four miles outside of Charlotte.
This year’s bill looks like the largest drumSTRONG lineup yet with acts like Maryland-based singer-songwriter Joe Pug and former Carolina Chocolate Drop and band co-founder Dom Flemons.
The bevy of national, regional, and local artists include heavy hitters from around the area. Raleigh roots-rockers American Aquarium, Chapel Hill’s folk-pop combo Lost in the Trees, eclectic Americana group Bombadil, indie-rock act the Love Language, and bluegrassers Chatham County Line represent the triangle area. Asheville’s funk unit Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band and producer/DJ/instrumentalist Marley Carroll hail from the mountains, while jam outfit the Mantras carries the Greensboro flag.
Charlotte-based acts include HRVRD, the New Familiars, Junior Astronomers, Grown Up Avenger Stuff, Replicas, Overmountain Men, Super Ape, Dirty Drummer, Ancient Cities, Of Good Nature, Elonzo, Sinners & Saints, Time Sawyer, Pullman Strike, the Business People, Cairo Fire, and Miami Dice.
In its seven years drumSTRONG has spawned sister events and related activities around the globe built on the idea of beating out cancer. The initial drumSTRONG was conceived much like a run or a walk-a-thon to raise money and awareness for cancer with a marathon drum circle, which is still part of the three-day festival.
Besides live music and drumming the festival features children’s activities (Sunday is folk and fun day for all ages), drum and yoga instruction, art and food vendors, a craft beer garden, a health expo, and camping. Tickets go on sale Friday, March 14 at
drumSTRONG and its sister organization DrumsForCures was founded by Charlotte’s Scott Swimmer after his then young son Mason was diagnosed with cancer as a way to raise funds for cancer organizations through rhythm gatherings. Mason Swimmer is a college student now and drumSTRONG keeps growing.
Pulse perpetuates life.
The Heart is our Life Force Pump.
We Like to say that it’s where our deepest and sincerest Feelings are located .. where Courage and Determination are gauged.
Do we Control how long it’s gonna pump?
Maybe to a degree.
But we DO control to what degree we share it.
The good news is we’ve all got a HeartBeat.
Let your impulsive tendencies direct your Pulse to rhythmically fortify our world. Appreciate what other’s have to offer .. and how your unique rhythm fits into this crazy, beautiful symphony…
This special Valentine’s Day, share your Heart with those you love and those you can help through our rhythm-driven initiatives. It’s really easy .. Support Survivorship, Education and Research by sending your Valentine Love Donation to
725 Providence Rd. #210, Charlotte, N.C. 28207
:: World cancer Day ::It’s not about colors, ribbons, finish lines and celebrity attachment .. but the process of supporting all impacted .. with whatever you’ve got.
And we’ve all got a heartBEAT.
A reminder that there is reciprocative fortification in sharing your pulse with others.
May the collective rhythm ease concerns and spark hope that something good will come next.
From DrumsForCure :: DRUMSTRONG founder, Scott Swimmer
Yesterday Mason Swimmer was 25. 10 years since diagnosis and light years from the crazy scary roller-coaster ride cancer took him on. Ever appreciative of being on this side of it.
He’s great and amazing.
Mason studies Music Therapy at Queens University in Charlotte where he hones his craft and personifies his instrument by sharing rhythm and musical direction with others in compromised health. It feels good and right to help heal. He personally realized the benefits at a young age and witnesses the power daily.
Mason was my first incentive to drum strong. So many of you have since been my inspiration.
Today I’m 60. 10 years since diagnosis. Ever appreciative of being. Realizing that nothing matters more than NOW.
The in-the-moment sharing of our pulse is what keeps me going.
Thank you.
Be well, drum LONG, drum STRONG,
Small efforts can make a massive difference. Here’s one. From the many beautiful connections, elements and activities DRUMSTRONG engages in daily, we often get resounding response. Sometimes the results are subtly evident; sometimes brilliantly obvious.
Among all the outrageously cool festivities at our annual main event every May, folks register for potential Bone Marrow matches through Love Hope Strength Foundation. It’s simple :: a cheek swab and the willingness to help someone.
Here’s the note we got today ::
We have some amazing news…we just located a potentially lifesaving match from DRUMSTRONG!!!!! Woohooo!! We are all doing the happy dance and are eternally grateful. This is hopefully the first of many. Keep the donor and recipient in your thoughts and pray that this turns into a successful transplant. Please thank everyone involved with DRUMSTRONG for making this possible.
SHANNON FOLEY HENN Executive Director LOVE HOPE STRENGTH FOUNDATION SAVING LIVES, ONE CONCERT AT A TIME Building international marrow databases through our GET ON THE LIST campaign. This was a good day!
Wishes for a Season of Sharing
(giving and receiving)
May the Rhythm that pulses through us be a groovy, joyous, healthy reminder that we can all do something for one+another ..
and in the process, our Hearts will be sounder.
Just go ahead and throw it out there.
¡Tis the Season! .. pah rom pah pom pom ..
“Attitude is the difference between an Ordeal and an Adventure”
A fit, determined, well-dressed (bald) man approached our DRUMSTRONG cancer health resource booth 1 1/2 years ago & The Epicentre, filled in our sign-up sheet, smacked it back on the table, looked me square on and said “You never know when you’re gonna be told”. I said, “So I can assume your shiny head is not a fashion statement”.
We were immediate friends and brothers in survivorship support.
Jerry assisted the 9/11 clean-up, served two tours as a Marine and worked for the FBI training & leading SWAT teams. He also volunteered in the community and @ Levine Children’s Hospital. We planned a SWATAC (Against Cancer) Team for DRUMSTRONG.
As much as he dug our rhythm-driven cancer awareness and fund raising initiatives, unfortunately, Jerry was never well enough to attend a DRUMSTRONG event.
Cancer took another great soldier from our ranks last week.
Jerry Senatore relentlessly and passionately served us in every way possible. I welcome his family and friends to come out May 21 & 22 to drum in his honor and focus on assisting causes that were close to his heart
From Jerry :: Jan. 5, 2010
I have started to contact you many many times over the last several months. But stopped each time. First, know that nothing has changed about how I feel about DrumStrong and the dedicated silent heroes that make it a success. Cancer or not, I am impressed by your organization, proud to know you, and heart-warmed to know it exists.
So, I got very busy. I know it’s a cop out, but in addition to work and travel, my cancer adventure gave me a good smack in the back of the head and helped me to refocus family priorities. Cancer, up to this point, has actually been good for me. I’m a better person now than I was before.
With all that on my plate, I kept procrastinating contacting you. I wanted our conversation to include me jumping into DrumStrong with both feet and not some lame promise to help a little here or there. That point didn’t come as your event date got close. Then I felt like an idiot near the end, saying “I know all the work is done, here I am” (though typical of a government employee).
Even this email that I write now, was almost pushed off to “tomorrow or later this week..” I decided to do it now.
It’s been a wild ride for me. Originally diagnosed in June 08, I was in remission by Nov 08. In August 09, the cancer was back. In addition, scans showed other unrelated problems. Thyroid cancer was diagnosed and I had my thyroid removed. A pre-cancerous polyp in my colon was found and it was also removed. Again, three cancers completely unrelated. I’m trying to find out what the record is. Either way, the score is Cancer 0 – Jerry 3.
I’m still a lucky guy. I feel great and have continued to ignore it all. I often call cancer an adventure because I am amazed by the journey and all I’ve experienced. I recently came across a quote the sums it up for me “Attitude is the difference between an Ordeal and an Adventure.” Again, it’s been a wild adventure.
You got my volunteer passion started. I recently became an official volunteer at Levine’s’ Children’s Hospital. However, the day they officially assigned me to the pediatric oncology unit, my doctor also scheduled me for chemo. So I haven’t volunteered a shift yet, but I have the ID and hope to soon.
I started chemo again last week. Looking at a bone marrow transplant at Duke later this year that will keep me at Duke for 3 months. Had chemo this morning and hit the gym this afternoon. Drinking a beer as I write this.
So, why have I gone into all this? I admire you, your passion and determination. I feel I owe you not just an explanation to “where the hell have you been” but also an update from a friend.
My best to you, Mason and the entire DrumStrong army. Keep the emails coming. I WILL see you soon.